V nových domcích 17, Prague 10, Hostivar

Address: V nových domcích 17/372, Praha, Hostivař

About V nových domcích 17, Prague 10, Hostivar

City transport

V nových domcích 17, semidetached house, marvellously transport located around the corner of Hostivar raiway station, and tram stop of lines 22 and 26. and bus lines 111, 177, 125, 183.


The house consists of kitchen, living room, 4 bedrooms and very large loft room. The house is offerd at a price basic rent 34000 kr that includes landlord paying for waste and water charges. The electrical and gas meters will be tranferred to the resident whoever that will be accepted.

Call us for more information

Call direct owner Vladislav tel +420 602 259 380 or on WhatsUp or Viber or facebook, speak Czech, English and Russian. I am ready to informe you immediately. My email is vladislav.skalicky@centrum.cz.